

January 2023

Sold & Sold

SSA Exhibition

I am thrilled that I sold both of my pieces at the SSA 30×30 exhibition at the Scottish National Gallery this year.

To be honest, I wasn’t sure about submitting them and there were some amazing small pieces, as well as some that were ‘not my thing’.

Here they are; I hope they have gone to a good home :)

  • Winter’s night:
    nearly home – an image I keep returning too
  • Crossapol Bay, Isle of Coll:
    another from my happy place

May 2022

Website refresh

ricart_faviconToday, I am excited to share my newly refreshed website. So happy with the way it looks: clean, clear and easy to navigate. Have a look and tell me what you think.

A massive thanks go to the wonderful Linda Fay for her work on this and the patience she has shown the artist!

April 2022

First dab is the hardest

GlenfargThe first dab is the hardest.
Sometimes the beginning can be the best. Happy accidents and the first signs of what direction a new work might go.
Here is the first stage of my latest landscape – based on a view from the north end of the Glen near Glenfarg.
I love the colours and shapes already. Can I avoid spoiling it’s freshness as I work on it more? Watch this space… exciting times ahead!

March 2022

Spring plans

ricart studioSo Winter is over and Spring has arrived!

The shed/studio is ready and there is a long list of ideas for new paintings.

Sadly, there is no Perth Open Studios this year so I will be looking for other new opportunities to exhibit.

I am planning more landscapes based on local views and other new ideas. Watch this space.

January 2022


Barbara RamsbottomSanta is on his way!

So, I have added to my cards for sale with a couple of new Christmas cards.

‘Barbara Ramsbottom’ was great fun to paint and she is a character that might appear elsewhere.

‘2 Robins’ is a new linocut with colour added.

I have enjoyed creating cards more than I thought I would and is a great way to try different things, share new work and have fun.

Watch this space for the new improved website and details of all the cards I have for sale.

August 2021

Golden abstract

Working with a new style of large abstract. Starting with a layer of gold metallic paint and then rubbing in acrylic colours, building up the texture. This is half-way to what I want, but I do like the randomness of the result and I am excited to see where it will go next. It definitely needs some structure to give more depth. Watch this space!

July 2021

Clear out

I have started a big clear out of the studio/shed in preparation for the Perthshire Open Studios in September. A while to go but lots to do, organising, painting, framing …

I have a list (of course) of work I want to finish before then but it keeps growing with new ideas. PRIORITISE!

Not getting as much help as I would like from Milly.

March 2021


Abstract ElephantVery pleased with the series of 3 elephant Mother and Child paintings I have done recently. I think they make a nice set although the style of each is slightly different.

I have also just completed this green jungle Elephant abstract piece. It’s smaller than usual and I am probably going to make it a print or cards from it. Let me know what you think?

I think this might be the last of my elephants phase – don’t know why that happened but an image caught my eye one day and off we went. Sometimes it happens like that, which really doesn’t help tackle the growing file of ideas I want to work on.

So no more elephants for a while…unless…?


portfolio case

The best birthday presents are those which you know you will use for a long time (apart from gin obviously).

This year, I got this big artists portfolio case to keep things clean and safe – really useful when you are working in a confined space.

I remember having one of these in 1980 and I wonder what happened to it? I think it was a dark maroon and probably more robust than this one but then memory and nostalgia can play tricks.

The ambition for this year is to have a full folder of work I am happy with and then who knows what happens next.  I will of course update regularly with new painting and prints for sale.


Elephants - mother and child (yellow)

The plan (which can change obviously) is to update most weeks. Posts will be a mix of finished work, things I am working on and any other images that have inspired me.

Please comment on what you see, I need feedback if I am going to make a million!

So, to start it all off here is the third of a series of 3 elephant paintings. I am thinking they would make a good set of prints rather than original one-off’s … what do you think?

Why have I been painting elephants? … Not a clue.  Perhaps you could explain it to me ? Certainly not Pachydermophobia.

So thanks for reading and look out for the next update.

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